Objects in this mirror are closer to Microsoft Technologies. DNM objective is to help users on Microsoft technologies by providing Articles, snippets, Interview Questions.

15 September 2012

Iterating/Looping through rows without using cursors in Sql server

In this snippet we will see how to  iterating the table rows data with out using cursor in SQL server.
set nocount on

declare @tempEmpTable table(EmpID int , EmpName nvarchar(100))
declare  @varEmpID int, @varEmpName nvarchar(100)

insert into @tempEmpTable
select 1, '1st Employee' union all
select 2, '2nd Employee' union all
select 3, '3rd Employee' union all
select 4, '4th Employee' union all
select 5, '5th Employee' union all
select 6, '6th Employee' union all
select 7, '7th Employee' union all
select 8, '8th Employee' union all
select 9, '9th Employee'

select top 1 @varEmpID = EmpID, @varEmpName = EmpName  from @tempEmpTable  

while @varEmpID is not null
                print @varEmpName
                delete  @tempEmpTable   where @varEmpID = EmpID
                set @varEmpID = null         
                select top 1 @varEmpID = EmpID, @varEmpName = EmpName  from @tempEmpTable  
1st Employee
2nd Employee
3rd Employee
4th Employee
5th Employee
6th Employee
7th Employee
8th Employee
9th Employee

12 September 2012

javascript not setting the hidden field value in ASP.NET

Today when i tried to change the value of hidden filed in java script, its not setting the value. I am using master page for an ASPX page.

<asp:HiddenField ID="hdnTest" runat="server" Value="Before JS Call" />

In java script method, when I try to assign the value it’s not getting replaced with new value.

document.getElementById('<%=hdnTest.ClientID%>').value = 'After JS Call';

then i replaced with below code

hdnTest').value = 'After JS Call';

and it worked out.

Not sure with the reason but its resolved!

06 September 2012

Rollback Transaction for table variable in sql server

Table variable is special kind of data type which will store result set and the data will returned for processing. Table variable can be used in store procedures and functions.
Table variables have limited scope and data will be stored in temporary storage so they are not affected with transaction roll backs.
In the below script we will see practically how rollback behaves for table variable.
DECLARE @student AS Table (id INT,Name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)
    INSERT INTO @student Values(1,'Ram')
    INSERT INTO @student Values(2,'Rahim')
    INSERT INTO @student Values(3,NULL)
    INSERT INTO @student Values(4,'Rohan')
    SELECT *,Name FROM @student -- will not return data due to error at id=3
    SELECT *,id FROM @student

 In summary, we can say that Rollback Transaction does not work for table variables.

03 September 2012

convert IP address to binary format using IPAddress Class in C#

In this snippet we will see how to convert an IP address to binary format using System.Net.IPAddress class.

static List<string> ConvertIPAddressToBinary(string input)
           IEnumerable<string> binaries= IPAddress.Parse(input).GetAddressBytes().Select( x=> Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(x), 2).PadLeft(8, '0'));
           return binaries.ToList();
  static void Main()
            List<string> listBinaries = ConvertIPAddressToBinary(“”)
            foreach (string binary in listBinaries)
                Console.Write(binary + " ");
Output : 11000000 10101000 00000000 00000001

IPAddress class contains the address of a computer on an IP network and supports IPv4 or IPv6.

02 September 2012

Change the text of a span control in javascript

In this tip we will see how to change the text of span control using Javascript. In HTML/ASPX page, span control will be defined as 
<span id="spanElement"> span text </span> 

In order to change the value of span element in java script use below code. 
document.getElementById('spanElement').innerHTML = "span text from JS";