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31 July 2012

Program to find number of occurrences of a character/letter in a sentence in .NET

In this snippet we will see the program to find number of occurrences of a character in a sentence.

   class NoOfTimesLetterAppearedInSentence
        public static void Main()
            char letterToFind = 'r';
            string sentence = "dotnetmirror reflects your knowledge";
            int count = GetLetterCountInSentence(letterToFind, sentence);
            Console.WriteLine("letter {0} found {1} Times in '{2}'",letterToFind,count, sentence);
        public static int GetLetterCountInSentence(char letter, string sentence2check)
            int noOfTimes=0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sentence2check.Length; i++)
                if (sentence2check[i] == letter)//if found, increase the count
                    noOfTimes += 1; 
            return noOfTimes; //returns the count of noOfTimes

letter r found 5 Times in ' dotnetmirror reflects your knowledge'


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