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07 July 2012

Method overloading in C#

In this article we will discuss about method overloading concept with examples.

Definition: Method overloading is a concept of using same method name with differing in the number type and order of arguments.

 Example: if we want to add two integers or two float values we can write methods like
Before method overloading
After method overloading
public int AddIntValues(int a1, int a2)
                return a1 + a2;
public float AddFloatValues(float a1, float a2)
                return a1 + a2;
public int Add(int a1, int a2)
                return a1 + a2;
            public float Add(float a1, float a2)
                return a1 + a2;

The compiler will identify which method to execute based on number of arguments and their data types during compilation. 

Below is the example which shows method overloading.

class Base
        public int Add(int a1, int a2)
            return a1 + a2;
        public float Add(int a1, float a2)
            return a1 + a2;
    class Derived : Base
        public int Add(int a1, int a2, int a3)
            return a1 + a2 + a3;
        public float Add(float a1, int a2)
            return a1 + a2;
    class MethodOverloadingUsage
        static void Main()
            Derived obj = new Derived();
            Console.WriteLine(obj.Add(10, 20));
            Console.WriteLine(obj.Add(10, 12.5f));
            Console.WriteLine(obj.Add(10, 20, 30));

When to use: If a method is performing similar action but using different parameters then we can use method overloading.

Data points:
  • Return type of method will not considered for overloading usage
  • Same method name provides different forms so it is example of polymorphism.
  • In method overloading the method name should be same. Parameters (data type and order) and return type can be different for each method which is overloaded.


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