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25 July 2012

swapping three variables without using temp/fourth variable in C#.NET

In some of interviews, interviewers will ask write a program to swap three numbers without using a fourth variable or temporary (temp) variable. So in this snippet we will see how to swap three numbers without using fourth/temp variable.

Program : Swapping 3 numbers Without temp variable
class SwapThreeNumbersWithoutUsingFourthVariable
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("/****** Program to swap 3 numbers without using temporary variable *******/");
int a = 10, b = 20,c=30;
Console.WriteLine(" Values before swapping a={0} , b={1} , c={2}", a, b,c);
a = a + b + c;
b = a - (b + c);
c = a - (b + c);
a = a - (b + c);
Console.WriteLine(" Values after swapping a={0} , b={1}, c={2}", a, b,c);

Values before swapping a=10 , b=20 , c=30
Values after swapping a=30 , b=10, c=20


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